Monday, April 23, 2007

Recovering well! Week of April 16-22

My previous marathon attempts have usually been followed by the post-marathon strut. All you marathoners know what I'm talking about; the following day you find sore muscles that you didn't even know you had. Somehow, I've managed to escape that fate this go around. I am a bit surprised given all the downhills on Boston .... but I'm not complaining.

Here's my week in review (Apr. 17-22)
Tue 20 min. pool run
Wed 5m (10:41 - 120/135), nice easy run with wife
Thu 5m (9:41 - 125/135), recovery run
Fri off
Sat 10m (11:27 - 123/159), recovery run with wife
Sun 3.9m (7:56), training run

Total: 50 miles, including the marathon.

Overall, I'm very happy with how this week has been going. The pool run helped get the blood flowing post-marathon day 1. After that, the slow easy runs seem to be loosening my legs without adding any undue fatigue. The 10 mile run on Saturday was a little tougher than expected, but the temperatures also shot up into the mid-70s, so it was a little preview of the upcoming summer training cycle... ugh!

Since my recovery has been proceeding ahead of schedule, I've decided to really target the Boston Run to Remember as my goal race and really give it an honest effort (instead of holding back in preparation for a goal marathon). If the weather holds up, I think I can run a PR with the mileage base I've built up and a couple more targeted workouts geared towards the half. So, I signed up today for the James Joyce Ramble 10K, just to assess my general condition. It will serve as a good tune-up race for the half and it will also be my 1st 10K race in 15 years (gasp!). This will be an interesting experience. They have various readings of James Joyce throughout the course, but I doubt those will put me in any transcendental state to help block out the pain. Look out for my race report next week... I guarantee there will be pain involved!

1 comment:

Duncan and Jen said...

heyyyyyyy!! i don't know how you found me...but i'm glad you did and that it led to checking out this blog! the hubs is gonna LOVE this...he's constantly re-living his Penn Relay days through the web...maybe this will inspire him to further glory also?