Sunday, April 13, 2008

One week to go!

This was a rough week for me. After a very positive 1st week of tapering, I struggled through this week. Work was particular demanding this week and instead of catching up on rest, I found myself spending a couple of late nights in lab with only the mice to keep me company. Here's the rundown:

Mon: 30 min. basketball, legs pretty sore after
Tue: 5 miles @ 7:38; easy treadmill run
Wed: 7.6 miles @ 7:07, 30 min. core work; gorgeous run by the Mystic lakes
Thu: 10 miles w/ 2 x 3 miles @ 6:31; solid tempo run, just trying to get in some MP work
Fri: off
4.5 miles @ 7:44; really tired from lack of sleep, but run felt good, first real spring day
Sun: 10 miles @ 7:37; trail run in Cutler Park.

I think it all started with basketball Monday night. I haven't played in months, but am slowly transitioning into league play after the marathon for a change of pace. I didn't go all out, but felt especially tired that evening. As a result, I passed on intervals Tuesday and just did an easy treadmill run. Wednesday's run felt great. My HR was holding steady, but I was going faster than I thought. I've noticed that this happens during the taper and is probably a sign the body is recovering. Thursday was a solid marathon pace effort that went as expected, but I followed that up with a couple late nights at work. By Saturday, I was bushed and the run felt crappy. Fortunately, I made up my sleep deficit Saturday night. I felt recharged and ready for my run on Sunday. Cutler Park has become my favorite place to run because I get such a sense of solitude and wholeness as I make my way through the woods. It was great way to end a challenging week.

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