Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Best week of training - Week of 10/22-28

My recent posts have been far too long, so I'm going to keep this one short. Bottom line, this was perhaps my best single week of training ever. After coming off a cutback week, and not feeling any ill effects from the 10K, I was psyched to put in one last hard week of training before tapering. Here's the recap:

Summary of 10/22-28
Mon: 6 miles @ 7:40; invigorating trail run
Tue: 11.2 miles including 2x2 miles @ 6:17, comfortable track workout
Wed: 6 miles @ 10:00, easy recovery run with wife; 30 min. core work
Thu: 11 miles including 10 @ 6:33, great tempo run
Fri: off
Sat: 22.5 miles @ 7:45, nice long trail run with great scenery
Sun: 3 miles @ 8:00, easy shake out run
Total: 59.7 miles

The recent climate change has brought about some decidedly unfall-like weather. This was the first consistently cool week, and its reflected in the faster paces of my runs. I was pretty tired and not looking forward to the tempo run on Thursday. In fact, I usually have the hardest time motivating for these runs. I don't know why... Funny thing is once I get going, they don't feel so bad. I ended up dropping 3 or 4 6:20s and by the end, I had averaged a 6:33 mile for the 10 miler, including a warm-up mile. I was a little surprised I had gone that fast, and I could have comfortably run another 3 miles on my way to a 1:25 half. Things are coming together! The 22 miler started out with the sky dropping buckets, which gave me flashbacks of the Boston Marathon Nor'easter. I met up with Ramses and we ran down to Millenium Park. From there, he split off to go back home and I ran through the gorgeous trails of Cutler Park. The trails of Cutler Park are truly a hidden gem and have made my long runs infinitely more interesting. In fact, I find time flies by when I'm doing trails. I threw in one hard hill interval at the end and finished comfortably. Overall, this week has really given me confidence that i can run a sub-3:00 at Philly.

Alright, taper time!

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